Thursday, January 19, 2023

4 Years Ago Today I Walked Out On Him

 He was off my radar.

Then he died.

I was in the hospital the same day he died (only found out that he passed this week, though, 16 days after the fact.)  They were removing the stitches from my fractured hand.  

Now we must find silver linings, I want the doctor and the tech from the first hospital, and the male nurse and the doctor from the second hospital.

File under: Fivesome

How weird....he must have been in the hospital dying while I was having stitches removed...and here is the real mind-twist: I bet we were in the same hospital.... cruising the doctor AND the male nurse, 

                  and the ex dying.

You cannot make this stuff up.

One thing is for certain: I left him 4 years ago 1/19/19