Friday, January 20, 2023

I LEFT HIM AT 3 AM AND DROVE HOME Four Years Ago Yesterday, 1-19-2019

 ON JANUARY 19, 2019, i knew it was over.

He didn't think so, and his jaw dropped when I ghosted him and left the apartment to go home.  if memory serves it was very cold.

Two things come to mind:

a)my other life in "Crazy Rich Asians, Part 2" the unauthorized sequel, managing the AirBNB, was on my mind.  The landlord decided to stay over at the AirBnb  (His wife was fantastic, and they don't get along, but she got along with me. Story for another day) Though I was the manager (and a darn good one at that,) he would lecture me on the vinyl albums - he said vinyl albums have mites (they don't.) And on his sneezing because of my cats.  He was so like a woman.  He knew that I was seeing a former tenant I met at the AirBNB, he laughed and said "I don't want to know," but I just didn't need any aggravation from him with enough aggravation with the soon-to-be ex.  What he didn't know was that I had about 5,000 or more vinyl albums in a secret room under my bedroom!  Ha!  We had those nice tarps from Harbor Freight and loaded the vinyl into the "secret room" when he and his wife ran off to China for a month (which turned into two months because I am a great manager and kept the place afloat with him gone half a world away.)  The previous landlord walled off portions of the house and my cat Paddy found the secret room.  The new (and current) landlord knew about it, of course, and when he returned from China my computer tech stood in front of the hatch to the secret room so the landlord wouldn't go in....and see a vault of thousands of vinyl albums.  Too funny.  HE NEVER KNEW!!!!


Back to the final night at the ex's apartment:

I had a dream about two of my cats, Sila and Jayden - the gals from Georgia July 1, 2005. I had them 14 years though Jayden must've been about 20 and Sila 15.  

The landlord was allergic to cats (he probably still is) and I didn't need a lecture on his allergies, they were safely in my bedroom, but he would do paperwork in the next room.    That I'm dreaming about them at the ex's apartment at 3 am was of great concern, and was a good excuse to leave him for good.

b)That night I was on the phone with multiple guys, a handsome ex in NY, a guy I dated in the 1980s who still wanted to marry me, a handsome dude I also knew from the 80s calling me repeatedly and always concluding the calls "love you, Joe," and this other guy I had a massive crush on that the ex knew about, and met.   The ex from the 80s that wanted to leave his partner and marry me was extremely handsome in the 1980s, twenty years in to the new century he had become too "I'll do this and ask permission later" kinda bothersome, yet his lover Bxxxx was worse than him. They were in the midst of the massive final blowout and being part of that?  No thank you.  We COULD have gotten along but, why?  The thrill was gone, as they say.  Plus, when we were dating in the 1980s and at a party a drag queen in Medford threw right at those condos on Route 16, Bxxxx walked into a room where we were talking....he never told me that he had a lover all those weeks we were seeing each other....they were still together in 2019, 2020, 2021....and were in a battle royale.  Yikes.

Got your scorecard all settled!   ???

All four of those gentlemen are not in my life four years later...but they were my safety net....I think the crush and the ex are both in NY, and the other ex in Florida pissed me off by sending text bombs with 90 other people on them.  He was serious about marrying me, I blocked him for good.   The handsome dude, c'est la vie, I know why he's playing hard to get and it is too bad for him because I have my Top 20 list of fave guys and none of those four are on the list anyway.

And there are zero women on my list.  I've smartened up after all these years.

p.s. the ex that passed did have to call me in April over a business matter and started chatting me up on the phone as if we'd get back together.  I said "Hey, pal, this is business.  Don't you get it?  I left you and I'm not coming back."  Never saw him again.

And obviously, now that he's left the planet, I never will.