Saturday, January 28, 2023

Jack Coakley Endorses that Awful Stephanie Muccini-Burke.

Jack Coakley writes:  

I don’t agree with John G much politically but I agree that Mrs Burke is certainly eligible to work after she left City Hall. She should not be under some sort of red hot spotlight for the rest of her life.


To: Jack Coakley 

From: Editor Joe Viglione

I would agree with you, Mr. Coakley, except that 1)the Burke administration, in particular, catered to low level individuals (offensive racist Deanna Devney, Exhibit A, but there are many more,) and corruption at the police station that she exploited for her own personal gain. 


These are facts that I can easily prove (actually did in a court of law.) Also, Exhibit B, my blog spiked big time with the news. These jobs are pure patronage (2. the power to control appointments to office or the right to privileges.) 

We have no press in Medford except for blogs and Facebook and Twitter, the way "they" like it. 

It's actually despicable that these individuals pad their pension when others deserve the jobs, others who would actually work for the people, not lift taxpayer dollars for themselves. Stephanie Muccini-Burke is the worst of the worst. 

Ex councilor Michael Marks thought she would be an ombudsman for the community. Instead she turned out to be a crafty woman who was power hungry and all about her family, not the community. 

Who to support next? Jim "Gym" Jordan who turned a blind eye to sexual abuse. Wait a minute, so did the former mayor we are discussing, allegedly. 

Without people speaking up we have the same closed community the untrustworthy ex mayor Michael J. McGlynn relished: some people work for city government and get perks, the rest of the community be damned. 

Medford is beyond broken, and enabling these frauds helps those who have their hand out in city government, to the detriment of the community. 

Tell Muccini-Burke to go get a job in accounting instead of taking the job from someone else allegedly to pad her pension. What is "her" job doing for the rest of us? Nothing