Sunday, June 11, 2023

I Just Exited the Creepy Medford Observer on Facebook, Right Wing Lunacy Direct from the Garbage Pail Starring Criminal Richard F. Caraviello who Lost in Criminal Court 1-31-17

 I just exited the creepy, frightening Medford Observer chock full of hate-speech, anti-Democracy, anti-Black, anti-Homosexual, abusing the name of God, twisting and perverting religion to suit their nutty needs....Medford does not need this kind of hate perpetrated by John Petrella quoting disgraced Republican (even the GOP don't want him) Florida's Martin Hyde....that this hate goes on in 2023 is chilling and wrong,. Medford can do better.

fair use copyright of their hate-speech, un-American gibberish and loathing of free speech