Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Democrats Have Already Won the 2024 Elections - The Smoke and Mirrors and False Polling is about Advertising Dollars

 a Joe Viglione Editorial on Election 2024, Coming Soon

From Joe V:

The Republicans battling each other, battling America, a tainted, sour brand no one wants anymore.

When a political organization has as its talking points "Gays" and "Abortion," they've already been discarded.

I can assure you, this homosexual male does not plan on ever having an abortion, but that doesn't matter to Lauren Boebert and her sex offender husband (and she witnessed the sexual offense while it happened and went into Sgt Schultz mode, "I see nothing, nothing..." and married the creep. )  Now that the hubby allegedly beat up one of the kids, the extremely dumb Republican, Boebert, is divorcing him.  She has a snowball's chance in hell of getting back into office.

Joe Biden's doing a great job muted by loud-mouth Republicans.  They keep missing the mark.  Kind of like Captain Kirk taunting Khan Noonien Singh in The Wrath of Khan 

Khan kept "missing the mark."

Republicans restricting all sorts of rights, from book reading to abortion, is the mark.  The GOP shooting itself in the foot.

So those poll numbers?  Biden crushed Trump in 2020 and the job numbers are up, inflation is down - finally - gas prices down, and the Republicans want power to screw you.

Forget the tainted polls, they've been irrelevant (and wrong) the last 3 elections.  Get out and vote and let Trump watch the Blue Wave from his prison cell.  

The question Republicans don’t want to answer about abortion bans

The answers will tell us far more about how anti-abortion politicians think — and how they might govern.