Sunday, June 25, 2023

Stephanie Muccini-Burke was crooked as the day is long

 to Jean Marie Brietzke-Giglio 

 Stephanie Muccini-Burke was crooked as the day is long, I agree. She's now working for Mayor Christenson secretly in Malden....ha....gotta get that pension, y'know. As a person, I like Breanna, as a mayor she is weak and has been so rude to many MANY of us that supported her that I don't take it personal. Muccini-Burke giving the finger to the firefighters at a wedding was classless. Mark Rumley's son's wedding.

But respectfully, Jean Marie, I fought hard and paid thousands of dollars for access TV and Mayor Lungo-Koehn asks for CORI CHECKS of grandmothers with a door wide open and a knife stabbing at the high school That is NOT a wonderful mayor. She's hired crooked David Rodrigues and had so many people escorted out of city hall it is absurd. Like her predecessors McGlynn and Muccini-Burke your Mayor Lungo-Koehn has a serious selfish streak that harms the community. Rodrigues was a political hire and that blew up in her face (cousin of two school committee people,) look what happened to him in Everett and at the Aquarium, but if you don't know these facts as I do, and many more, it is time to do your homework before you vote.