Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Election Editorial - Let People Be People

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Election Editorial...

A Joe Viglione Essay

So, it's election time again.

It being August 6, we now have less than three months to the election - Sept. 5, October 5, Nov 5 - 90 days to be exact.

As a manager Stephanie Muccini-Burke is not an achiever.  Let's put aside, for a moment, the alleged criminal misconduct, the allegations of nepotism and harassment, and purely look at the accountant, Mrs. Burke, as a leader.

It's all about performance, y'know.

Mayor Burke is terrible.
We interrupt this editorial because of a phone call.  Someone asks me "Is a married mayor bordering on Medford gay?"   Really?
Is that the most important question here?  OK, just so you know the kind of nutty things we are asked.   (Is the allegation that my gaydar is better than yours?  Or do they trust that I am an excellent investigative reporter?  Maybe a little of both!)

  The answer is that I don't know, but I suppose if you take the letter "r" out of his first name that would make him Gay, and a Christian as well, but I digress...he's kinda cute, just not my type. More Finneran's type I hear, but I digress again...

Back to the editorial later

And Chief Buckley talks Casino talk