Friday, June 3, 2022

Deveney Claims She Wants Healthy Lifestyle: Please get Bankrupt Money Manager Harvey Allbong to Testify that Deanna is Not a Racist...

 Last question from Ms. Krispy Kreme herself...she's going to live a healthy lifestyle! Play Dusty Springfield's "Wishin and Hopin'"

What should we expect next from you?

Well, I am working on maintaining a positive mindset and a healthy lifestyle. Professionally, the next chapter is unknown. I have always wanted to expand my work across the United States and work with the Federal government. I think a diversified background is key to success and combating complacency. The future is bright!

 (Personally, I like to know if she pulled a Neil Osborne and did this on company time as Osborne allegedly did Tweeting support for Muccini-Burke in the middle of the day! - editor)