Friday, June 3, 2022

Some Loser on the Boston Herald Comment Section Keeps Writing Me After I Dropped him...

 So many comments in my e mail.  When I mentioned his "therapist" he went bonkers.   Daddy and Mommy Issues No Doubt...

so I threw him a bone just now

JV responds:

Yawnnnn,....what kind of parents raised the likes of you? Ha Ha....You don't amuse me, I go back to work and JNollett from mommy's basement is obsessed, fixated, a liar and a TRUMP follower....he couldn't stick to Johnny Depp, had to bring in Hunter, you spank his bare bottom and report him to his psychiatrist and he gets vulgar. Wow...TBHR....Typical Boston Herald Reader....I only subscribe because it was a few bucks and I believe in giving to the poor             

The loser keeps fetching his scrambled thoughts:

                 I ADMIT proudly to being a Trump follower.

YOU got vulgar, liar, not I. And I DO amuse you, liar -- why else did you initiate this long exchange?

And, f00l, Trump has NOTHING to do with Hump-Her drug problem. YOU brought in Trump, not I, and YOU'RE fixated on him.             

It's like shooting fish in a barrel

11:42 am What an illiterate loser. You see that I'm right about your lying and abuse, then you use my own words, clearly relating to them. Look, stop posting and you won't hear from me. You are the one fixated because I dropped this yesterday and you keep issuing lies. Go back to school. Did you graduate 4th grade yet? And what kind of parents raised such a loon?