Sunday, February 2, 2020

Robert M. Penta Speaks About The Passing of Johnny Byers

1,534,006 @ 10:09 pm 
1,533,930 @ 6:22 pm 
59 views in 189 minutes during SuperBowl

 It certainly was a sad time today when I was told of Johnny's passing. He was a good person who loved sports and our city equally. He and Joe Viglione were both wonderful assets for our city's public access promotions that unfortunately was never accepted by the past two mayoral administrations. His appearance before our city council on numerous occasions told you the story about John. He was frank, direct and positive in all his presentations. He always emphasized that our city could be much better than it was. Blessings and a peaceful remembrances to John and his family.

Joe V's Comments on Medford Mass. Dearly Departed

Thoughts on Sunday evening

Johnny was a very dear friend. Our families go back to the 1930s when his nana lived in a duplex next to my mom and nana. I used to caddy for Johnny's uncle Al (Carr Dee Test Boring over on Locust St.) who was my dad's golfing partner. 

But I didn't meet Johnny until 2010 via public access...he was only 2 years old when his dad, his aunt and his nana worked for our family company on 183 Park St. John and I had fun with the public access TV stuff. Tears in my eyes for the past 2 hours...can't believe he's gone