Friday, August 16, 2013

Inspring Access Television for Medford

Medford will soon have a new TV station, one that will have transparency, open elections and hard lessons learned when very bad people took control, seized the assets of our "public swimming pool" and destroyed the spirit and essence of what Free Speech is all about.

Frank Pilleri and his associates yelling their heads off about "Free Speech" and First Amendment issues is much like O.J. Simpson discussing gun control and domestic violence issues
OJ Simpson can speak about those topics from the perspective of the aggressor, from the perspective of the troublemaker, the problem. So too can Frank Pilleri's gang, a good reason why the community has tuned out when Pilleri opens his mouth.

Because this publication had the courage to stand up to the Pilleri gang, Frank "no-longer-fabulous" is naked and exposed for all to see. His rhetoric isn't working and even his biggest victim, Michael J. McGlynn, is starting to grow a set - starting to fight back
Were Frank Pilleri a novice, he still wouldn't get a pass for being so stupid (or arrogant...or both) to move in to 32 Riverside with no connectivity.

Look at the insurance slip for TV3.  Doesn't it note ANOTHER Riverside address, one that maybe had some connectivity?

1)When Pilleri tries to make the topic "toxic mold", ask him how many board members there are to TV3?

That shuts the conversation down right away.  You are going to the heart of the issue, heartless Frank Pilleri isn't an authorized president as there was no valid election at TV3.  Not keeping records or destroying meeting minutes will only work until the authorities call Pilleri out on the fraud and punish Pilleri for it.

2) Frank Pilleri blames his victims and tries to make them the issue so he doesn't have to talk about allegations of Pilleri taking the money.  "Frank took the money" is a catch-phrase buzzing through the community and Frankie knows it came from an official office and Frankie knows he has no defense when the allegedly inflated salary for a staffer is refuted by Boston member Jim Tuberosa

Antidote: When Frank brings up the Mayor or me or some woman they have humiliated and mocked, ask Frank for the meeting minutes.  When he blurts out "autonomous corporation" you fight back with: City co-owns all equipment and tangibles.  Have you rented equipment to Emerson College? What's up, Frankie?  Have you rented equipment to Dawn Natalia after she left TV3?  What's up, Frankie Fabulous? Did Bigot Steve Marra run a camera for Natalia's inferior movie productions?  Was he paid TV3 monies to do so?
Pilleri can't answer those questions because he would be out on his ass sooner than it took a good Medford cop to haul Frankie's sorry ass out of Alden Chambers.

3)Gay slurs on the internet

Arthur Deluca is on a rampage, as a "write-in" candidate for Mayor he appears to be in violation of Internal Revenue Code. Arthur authoring a site calling a gay man horrifying names is an indicator of how sick the abuser of Pat Fiorello is.  That's right, Deluca won't get the senior vote, not with a history of harassing Pat and his wife on their anniversary.  Deluca is even on camera admitting to yelling at a senior citizen.  ON CAMERA, on an authorized tape made at City Hall.


TV3 Threats
Somerville District Court has evidence of a representative of TV3 making death threats at a victim (specifically at this writer).  The embattled fake non-profit has made violent statements, is being investigated for hate speech, two previous landlords (out of 3) have allegedly banned the disgraced fraud president, Francis R. Pilleri, Jr. - and that was before the police removed him from City Hall early August, 2013.

TV3 thugs have gotten away with their criminal conduct for years!

Teen in jail for months over 'sarcastic' Facebook threat
John Cougar Mellencamp's sons arrested for alleged assault.  Why not TV3?

Arrest warrants issued for Mellencamp’s sons in battery case