Saturday, February 8, 2020

4:21 pm Unbalanced T Driver Leap-Frogs 134 N Woburn Bus in a Hurry and Forgetting to Pick Up Passengers

1,536,638 @ 12:22 am 2-9-2020

Woman Refused to Give Me Badge # when I had pen and paper in hand, refused to let me photo her image, even though bus videotapes everyone!

4:21 pm - her hand is barely on the steering wheel and one photo's off the wheel in violation of Chapter 90

The videotape the bus rolls will show upset passengers who paid for a service this driver refused to give them leaving the bus!

So fraudulent not to make a stop.
Such a fraud to force passengers to leave because one customer was reporting her, so she goes "on strike" and refuses passengers who PAID for bus service to walk away ...after they paid!

"Look Ma! No Hands...and I'm intentionally holding up traffic on Locust Street!

Notice the photo below, she is now in live traffic and takes BOTH hands off of the steering wheel in violation of Mass General Laws Part 1, Title XIV, Chapter 90 Section 13: Safety precautions for proper operation and parking of vehicles and buses - " long as 1 hand remains on the steering wheel at all times. No person having control or charge of a motor vehicle, except a person having control..." Why is the bus on the other side, also holding up traffic, behind her when his schedule is in front of hers?  Because she LEAPFROGGED the 134 Woburn bus to ignore people who wanted to get picked up.   And now she's hiding from the camera and refused to give her ID