Monday, May 4, 2020

Rumors of Medford Police Indictments - Indictments Allegedly Held Off Until November

1,604,857 @ 6:55 pm 
1,604,784 @ 3:48 pm 
1,604,771 @ 3:20 pm


Here's a fact before the allegations.

We called a courthouse where indictments might take place and asked about COVID-19 and court cases and hearings and such.

The reply from the clerk: 

"We are open but only for emergency cases."

Now a little insight:

1)Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn does NOT want indictments on cases she inherited from Burke.

2)The Police Union and Medford Chief Buckley now have time - because here's another juicy FACT - court cases set for May 2020 have been moved to November 2020.

That is a fact!  

We have actual documents on that.  

But here's my opinion - regular court cases won't start up until at least January 2021.  My opinion based on information and belief.  Donald Trump has been so reckless that the medical community is in the news warning of a second wave of COVID - 19, as y'all have been reading.

3)What looked like it was going to happen imminently could now disappear if the attorneys for the union and/or each alleged police officer (a few from L'Italien report, a few NOT on the Brady list, according to sources) and all of the above can find a way to get Marian Ryan to make these alleged indictments and alleged allegations all disappear.

The Big Question is: 
What Does Marian Ryan Want and what do the union reps, attorneys and Chief Buckley have to horse-trade with her to make these (alleged) dangerous indictments just go away ?

From my new book: Alleged Allegations!
Sweetly redundant! 

Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall watching the detente inside the walls of Commonwealth Ave, Woburn and 100 Main St? 

The clock is slow molasses traveling uphill in the winter.


The buzz in my informant circles is - will these indictments simply take a walk or get buried?
If they ever existed...

But you know how spot-on our reporting has been....I think - my opinion - is that the indictments actually exist, on paper, at this point in time.  3:24 pm  5-4-2020.

COVID-19 is changing EVERYTHING

You KNOW those union reps are busy busy busy trying to snuff this indictment "rumor" allegation out...and now they have lots of time to focus on it/them.