You ask why the turkeys on a political page? I wish they would blow in to the city council and replace Zac Bears, Michael Marks, John Falco, George Scarpelli, Rick Caraviello and Nicole Morell. Forget about Adam Knight, the voters will take care of him next time around. North Medford. If you are a subscriber to NextDoor an Elaine from Fulton St., North Medford, wrote this: "Gobble, Gobble. Look what the wind blew into my backyard on Fulton Street." Click on the Gobble Gobble to sign in to Next Door. A response from Charlene in West Medford:
We had a parade of turkeys coming down Essex street early this morning led by 4 males with their tails spread open followed by 3 females and 5-6 chicks! They seem to be taking over!"

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