Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How Breanna Won the 2019 Election

1,639,339 @ 10:17 am  all-time page visits
   360,661 to two million visits
Stephanie "Big Bird" Muccini- Burke flips bird to firefighters who allegedly want new contract at the alleged wedding of some allegedly "troubled"...ahem... son of an allegedly disgraced ex city official...  Ex city official sends letter threatening to sue over this photo...hey, don't blame us if Burke and McGlynn were smack dab in the middle of it! you bald old duplicitous hypocrite

No way Breanna was getting 652 votes plus 1 without my powerful blog promoting her and exposing Muccini-Burke. There is NO unity or community under Breanna Lungo-Koehn She has repeatedly snubbed my efforts to contribute to the public access station, boards and commissions, though I have the qualifications, experience and background check necessary. Instead, Breanna has embraced those who hated her on the campaign trail. That is not integrity, that is not unity, and you see the utter chaos under the Lungo-Koehn Administration with two protests during a pandemic (June 5, 12,) ridiculous re-naming of the Columbus School - and as an Italian American, Mr. Donato, I find that abusive, and no coherence in the message, no plan for the future of Medford, absolute chaos...not even utilizing the availability of citizens to work from their homes under the pandemic to improve our city. We've been lied to. 

Chief of Staff David Rodrigues at City Hall is a joke and a bad hire, Police Chief Hack Buckley has 99 cops and 32 on the Brady list that they are untrustworthy or worse; multiple officers who SHOULD be on the Brady list, a Diversity person from the Burke administration who isn't...a DPW lap-dog for Mrs. Lungo-Koehn who is obedient to the previous administration, no change, nothing for those who supported her, we've been slapped in the face. A CORI check for public access TV is hardly transparency, and you give the mayor your background clearance form and you still don't get on access TV. She wants to no voices that she can't control. Mark Rumley's absurd policies and procedures for access TV are aimed at keeping people off of the airwaves and are wrong. They are NOT transparent, but Breanna is too busy listening to and cowering in fear in front of Mobilize Medford to listen to those of us who supported her, let alone work with us.