Wednesday, June 17, 2020

SPB on Facebook Challenges my volunteerism...hah

1,630,560 @ 5:05 pm

My volunteerism for Medford has gone beyond the call of duty. 

If the Mayor wants me we know each other well enough that she can give me a call. 

The doctors - plural - think I'm doing too much with the broken arm already and are demandng I rest. Silly me. 

My outline to Breanna was to use COVID 19 to encourage families to go out picking up litter, videotaping it, making it a fun thing to do along with a family picnic. 

Not tons of people, different families working together and making it a fun time. 

For SPB my photos got the park near Central St. on Logan cut after neighbors complained for years that the city let it go to much so that the kids couldn't play there.

 I just showed the Dello Russo dedication covered in weeds and you'd better believe it was fixed the next day and the park is cut regularly now thanks to my hard work and honest efforts. 

The neighbors were thrilled and thanked me, told me they complained and no one listened. A picture is worth a thousand words, Steve.