Friday, December 17, 2021

A Debate on Facebook in Medford

Anne McGillicuddy asks:

  Doesn't it bother you that American citizens are threatened and harassed to wear masks over a million illegals have crossed the border without masks or tests for the China virus? Why do you think that is?


Joe Viglione Responds  It's more about protecting ourselves. Anyone NOT wearing a mask in these times is irresponsibly harming others. You are mixing apples and oranges about non-residents and the mask issue. It's like the Republicans yelling about gays and abortion. I can assure you, none of my male gay friends have ever had an abortion. Please don't fall into the trap of the group yelling the loudest. Republicans are desperate and have to yell and blame the Democrats who are looking to save lives. We can't wave a magic wand when an irresponsible fraud "president" like Trump got the virus, tried to infect at the debate Joe Biden, and dragged his feet on it, taking the credit for the pharmaceutical companies and their work. It bothers me that so many people were duped by Trump and refuse to look at how crooked he is. Masks save lives. When Trump has his indoor parties and there's a SPIKE in Covid specifically because of him (the White House lawn a prime example) and people want to yell at me defending that kind of conduct, that is what bothers me.

Anne McGillicuddy
Joe Viglione Masks don't work and it's not a vaccine if people are getting the China virus it's supposed to prevent. You didn't answer my question about the illegals. Comply to your own peril.



Joe, the Voice of Reason, Viglione  I did reply: I said you were mixing apples and oranges. Americans are divided and that division is causing the spike in Covid. You keep calling it the China Virus, which is code for Trumpspeak. Please, don't listen to that criminal. He violates the law worse than any Medford politician, and that's saying something. Please open your eyes to the reality of the situation. You can't blame the non-Americans crashing through the borders for everything; this is a worldwide epidemic. You've seen my work, Anne, I seek solutions and invest the hours to make a difference. If you are so afraid of the "illegals," as you call them, and I respectfully say this, fly down there and be a security guard. It is best when we work within our own communities to find solutions. That's just logical me, what do I know?