Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Joe Viglione Editorial: Biden Has Already Won in 2024


Editorial by Joe Viglione
The national elections are going to swamp our airwaves.
1)Joe Biden crushed the competition in NH and was not even on the ballot. While Trump was losing votes from Republicans and has no competitors, the Republican brand is so tainted, Progressive Democrats, Independents and some Republicans realize a good thing when they see it. Jobs are up, unemployment is down, I paid 2.78 for a gallon of gas, and while Trump makes it up and paints an illusion of what he can do (and doesn't do it; Biden got infrastructure through, not Trump; Mexico never paid for a silly wall that cost you millions and did nothing, etc.) I'm not worried, Biden has already won. He wanted to face-off against Trump and now Trump is getting more demented as the days go on.
Gaetz was always troublesome, but now he is facing an investigation that is heating up, not cooling off. This do-nothing House of Congress under slim Repulican control is a horror show. MTG, Bobert, these people don't even have brains The Democrats are the adults in the room and when you are faced with Gerrymandering that is not even legal, getting struck down by the courts, and you get a fraud like the one that just got booted, your life and your freedom have these bad actors infiltrating Congress (or trying to demolish it as on January 6.) Vote Blue in November, if you care about Planet Earth.