Monday, January 22, 2024

TV 3 Medford Gone 11 Years Now

 So you weren't able to balance your checkbook after watching the creepy MATH MAN? Saying he'd be "damned" if you let us take TV3 away from them?  (we did!)

DID A BANKRUPT MONEY MANAGER attempt to get you to spend 5 bucks on his seminar?

The fat station manager too obnoxious on his  Friday Night Filth Fest?

Awaiting the incarceration of Dr. Rabies?

Do you miss Dawn Natalia suing people with public access franchise fee monies while doing her nails and hoping for an Academy Award for worst film of all time?  And losing in court, her spanked big fanny off to Foster Rhode Island for good.  You can watch her awful alleged autobiography RAT right here:

Her successor with the dirty mouth dancing around with the mayor on TV but not allowed to go to Tony's Gas per order of the court?  (We got rid of the good-for-nothing mayor after he got rid of the good-for-nothing racist tv station)

Yep, TV 3 is gone.  No more use of racism and homophobia, using the N word and the F word with crazy psycho wives and drunk husbands.

You're welcome.