Saturday, January 6, 2018

BLOCKBUSTER: Burke Slowly Clearing Out McGlynn Regime

1,130,373@9:03 am Jan 7
MEDFORD, MASS.  2:37 PM 1/6/18


The clean-out of the old McGlynn regime is starting to happen.

Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr. and Roy Belson allegedly infuriated Muccini-Burke, former director of personnel, when she was saddled with Jenna Tarabelsi, purportedly a political favor to hide the now-convicted sexual predator when there were whispers of "situations" allegedly in Arlington.

We aren't going to say who is responsible fully for Tarabelsi, however, we have a very good idea.   Though Burke was a big part of the problem she's looking for scapegoats to distance herself.

With Mike Ruggiero getting in, along with Paul Ruseau, stealth-bomber Van der Kloot didn't have the votes, ostensibly, to keep Roy in.

Watch for Van der Kloot to suck up to Burke to save her own backside.  Burke is going to need her vote for awhile, so Paulette knows where her bread is buttered.

Watch for semi knock-down drag-out at the first school committee meeting when Ruggiero faces the blowback from his allegations...

must see TV

Arlington was the genesis point of a dimension of  the Catholic priest sex scandal in Massachusetts with the misdeeds of Rev. Eugene O'Sullivan and his pal "grape" (another alleged "Rev" with his one-time only sex ed class when your editor was in 9th grade) were playing Altar Boy Ping Pong...ahem...and the clueless nuns would feed the young prey to the priests, not even aware (or were they) of the sexual misconduct going on.

Maybe the nuns got to watch?

Imagine cell phones and snap chat back in the 1960s!     The Medford police would hide the images and say they couldn't tell if the boys were minors.

Key phrase "couldn't tell" as in...the chief wouldn't let them tell.  "Take a breathalyzer" the chief might have said on Jay Jay Way...or is it Blue Jay Way...(the Beatles) hard to tell in such a crooked city...

when Sacco goes the sign will go up over the police station: Good Bye To Bad Rubbish
Muccini-Burke's paranoia emerged when the first election was allegedly stolen.  Of course a dishonest election is a good reason for paranoia.

Burke wants to re-shape city hall in her image while keeping McGlynn happy and at arm's lengthy.

Their's has always been an uneasy relationship since Burke wanted to run against McGlynn. He is the "Emperor" to Mrs. Burke's 'Darth Vader"...

watch this site as our spies and informants unleash the goods...

To quote the late Park Marenteau - "This is going to be fun."