Wednesday, September 5, 2018


1,246,576 @ 1:39 am 
the Muccini-Burke Administration is Spinning!

Stephanie Muccini-Burke - according to our spies - is looking to revamp the city council with Rick Caraviello her #1 target.

    Anthony D'Antonio's honest letter to the Transcript certainly has the council in disarray -  the number of letters in the Transcript responding now total 3, including Falco himself having to do a stupid Donald Trump like retaliation.

    John, if you have to explain yourself, you are already behind the 8 ball.

     This is less about "All Lives Matter" and the VFW than it is about two anti-Burke politicians - Mea Mustone on the school committee and Breanna Lungo-Koehn on the city council flipping like pancakes on a hot Saturday morning. 

      Tony D'Antonio knows that he struck a nerve.   Their defensive response to Mr. D'Antonio's point of view was swift and archaic.      Can Falco survive D'Antonio's letter and this blog?

    Of course he can.

    The problem Falco faces is the proverbial "chinks in the armor." 

  1. (idiomatic) A weakness; a weak point.

Falco, Lungo-Koehn and Michael Marks came out of the vote weakened when, in the post Ed Finn era, they could clean up vying for voter attention.   

Since Adam Knight's ploy failed miserably they have to find a way to read Clerk Hurtubise the riot act and flip him the way that Lungo-Koehn and Mustone have been taken down the wretched path to "the dark side."

Muccini-Burke's parallels to the Trump administration are as blatant as they are chilling.   The woman has lost her marbles, according to our sources, and how many times have you seen our assessment to be "spot on," a direct quote of Nell Escobar Coakley's - former editor and elephant in the room at the Medford Transcript.

     Just as Mike McGlynn is the elephant in the room at city hall, Escobar-Coakley in a supervisory role watches the Medford paper closely.

     The puff pieces from Wicked Local/Medford are even worse than when McGlynn was in power, the paper using Miranda Wilson as a shill, cover for the rose-colored glasses view of Mrs. Burke.

     But Mrs. Burke is old school, dabbling in Medford politics for what feels like a century. She's a pure reflection of the ogre, McGlynn.

   And that walking old anachronism, creepy Mark Rumley? - Rumley's person and personality identifies the ugliness of Medford Politics in a succinct and transparent way that Rumley is not when it comes to city business.

     These gangsters are throttling the life out of the city of Medford, raping this city thoroughly in a fashion the California wildfires envy.

     Wake up, voters.  Get to the election 2019 before they totally infect Clerk Hurtubise with their indoctrination.  It's like a Twilight Zone episode where Neil Osborne will be in doctor's garb injecting Hurtubise with the Rumley Kool-Aid, the liquid venom that's toxicity drips from the law office to every corner of Medford, creating a wasteland designed to force out old Medford and bring in the clueless yuppies who will pay the outrageous taxes and ask no questions.

to be continued