1,245,895 @ 3:04 pm
1,245,872 @ 2:24 pm
1,245,856@ 1:26 pm 9-3-18
From Muck Rack
An outrage and a travesty
we start your week and your Labor Day off with news that two
journalists have been imprisoned because they did their jobs. As Antoni Slodkowski of Reuters reports, a Myanmar judge has convicted the two Reuters reporters in the landmark secrets case, sentencing them to seven years in prison. The conviction of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who uncovered a massacre of Rohingya villagers in Myanmar, is “An outrage and a travesty,” tweets Ernest Scheyder. Saad Sayeed
tweets that he is “Shattered to hear that a Myanmar court has sentenced
Reuters reporters Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo to seven years in prison. The
two brave reporters have been convicted for doing their jobs
#Journalismisnotacrime #FreeWaLoneKyawSoeOo.”