Sunday, September 2, 2018

Later Today: Removing Mark Rumley from Office

1,245,540@6:47 pm
1,245,440 @ 12:30 pm 
He wasn't elected

He is in way too long with no term limits.

Rumley must go.  

It is YOUR city, not his

Story this afternoon

He never died his pals on TV3 
Re. Chumley Report

Sept 2, 2018  12:38 pm

Medford Transcript
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To Local Media:

I believe that the Medford city lawyer, Mark E. Rumley, has - allegedly - violated his oath of office and his oath to practice law.
Rumley is McGlynn's city lawyer and should have been removed when McGlynn was removed...oh, allegedly "retired," right. And if you believe that, don't read any further because you've already imbibed the Kool-Aid.  Of course assimilating the Stephanie doctrine is mandatory in the city with no free speech, no ethics, and suspicious behavior by multiple city officials, from the allegedly "ex" school superintendent (oh, please, just leave already, Roy!) to the dishonest chief of police, Leo A. Sacco Jr. whose son was not arrested when pulled over for alleged drunk driving, January, 2017.

Two years ago, September 1, 2016, I had Mark E. Rumley removed from a witness stand in Somerville District Court with a simple "objection" to the judge.
Mr. Rumley was doing his usual throwing rocks at me from a witness stand, hurling his invective which defended an indefensible stalker.

The victim was there for an extension of a harassment prevention order (HPO) and Rumley had no reason not to go to the judge and be recused from testifying.
The judge called Rumley's testimony "irrelevant" and an attorney with a clue would have known that.   

Rumley has a clue, he was being malicious, vindictive, and his negativity and hostility cost him - he was embarrassed again, and this time not by Michael Marks shooting arrows at Rumley at the city council, this time it was in a court of law.

I have a LOT of evidence and a LOT to say on this matter.

My goal in the next thirty days is to have an investigation open on the wrongful conduct of Mark Rumley, especially with his absurd interpretation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution vis-a-vis insane "CORI" checks on candidates who want their own TV show.  Once I call out Rumley on his bad judgment, he changes things.  First it was that candidates would have a CORI check, now the city will control how much time candidates have without a CORI check.

Yeah, but if a candidate wants his or her own TV show, Mayor Burke will lurk in their background and see if she can do a homophobic robo call to lie about anyone not in her camp.  It's sick, and Rumley is a big part of that sordid puzzle.

Mark Rumley has stood there to stop Medford residents from having a voice on TV3 while the 2 mayors rip off the cable TV subscribers.

What Mark Rumley has done to this city is despicable, from allegations of moonlighting when he shared an office with Paul Donato, to putting his taxpayer funded e mail account on the Immaculate Conception church website.

Rumley's arrogance is matched only by his disregard for civil rights.

Rumley must be retired or fired or both.

More to follow  

News media needs to print this letter

Joe Viglione