Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Neil Osborne Doesn't Get It: VFW Medford Fallout

5:28 AM letter to Neil Osborne and the usual suspects/clowns at city hall  Tuesday September 4 2018

All Lives Matter...

Shame on the Medford City Council and Neil Osborne for going after veterans of foreign wars 

And this is from one of the most liberal people you will ever meet.   All life matters

 Besides a social media uproar, Williams heard resistance at the funeral itself. Singer Stevie Wonder yelled out "black lives matter" after the pastor said, "No, black lives do not matter" during his eulogy.

Williams had minimized the Black Lives Matter movement because of black-on-black crime. "Black lives must not matter until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves."
He also said "there are not fathers in the home no more" and said that a black woman cannot raise a black boy to be a man. Some people suggested that was disrespectful of Aretha Franklin, a single mother of four boys.