Wednesday, September 5, 2018


1,246,792 all-time page views @ 1:17 pm Sept 5


mayor burke, are you trying to tell us that John Falco's bald head was so bright that you couldn't see state reprobate Paul J. Donato grabbing at the testicles and penis of then council vice president Michael Marks?

Darth Stephanie:  Sounds like a good excuse to me, yes!

Prosecutor: But like Michael Douglas in Disclosure, you laughed!

Darth Stephanie Burke: I was laughing at Falco's bald head

Prosecutor: But you are looking at Donato's handy shandy

Darth Stephanie: I thought I was laughing at Kathy giving herself a leg job!

Prosecutor: Then you are laughing while Mrs. Cugno is laughing so hard she can't take it and rubs her eyes while Donato is rubbing Marks thighs...or inner thigh, or whatever...and you still tell us you are auditioning for Sgt Schultz in a remake of Hogan's Heroes

Stephanie: At this rate it will be Hog's Heroes with Marks as Colonel Hog!  Anyway, Marian is a good friend of mine, I'm having lunch with her, and we're going to drag you, Mr. Prosecutor, in for witness intimidation!

Prosecutor: That worked real well for you in the past, didn't it?
The Republican's going to beat Marian anyway

Stephanie: Yes, I know, they are dating and she's into S & M