Sunday, September 2, 2018

Susan Jihad G.C. (Granola Cruncher) Attacks D'Antonio in the Medford Transcript

after the Transcript edited out portions of Mr. D'Antonio's freedom of the press, they come back with two assaults on his thoughts this week.

Here's one of them from Susan Jihad

Mark writes on my Facebook politics page:
Dear Susan,if you want to live in the 60's hop in your time machine, if you want to live in the past, we can't help the past, but we can move forward.... Ohh All Lives Matter!!!

I respectfully disagree with this letter writer:
By Susan Jhirad   - oh, did I say "Jihad" in stead of Jhirad...oh well!!!
Sep 1, 2018 at 2:52 PM
Sep 1, 2018 at 2:52 PM…
Susan Jhirad writes a letter in response to Anthony D’Antonio’s take on the City Council’s decision to move the VFW polling place.
While Anthony D’Antonio may sincerely disagree with the City Council decision to move the Ward 8 polling place from the VFW, there are some serious factual errors in his letter to the editor.
First, nobody “spewed hatred against our public safety officers” or our veterans. Some of us (myself included: Dad WWII, husband Vietnam) noted that we had veterans in our families. One speaker said she had both veterans and police officers in hers. I might also point out that many of those who “gave their lives in foreign wars” have in fact been men and women of color, who came back to a country where they were then denied basic voting and civil rights.