Monday, May 1, 2023

Part 1 Response to Mayor Lungo Koehn's : The Work Ahead Fundraising Letter

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Mayor Lungo-Koehn ran on Community, Integrity, Unity

Why am I receiving complaints on her request for donations / volunteerism for her campaign?

Perhaps Roy Wood Jr. (not the son of Electric Light Orchestra founder,) at
the White House Correspondence Dinner said it succinctly:

       "You make promises to voters, and then you don’t do it. 
You know how to make things not happen" 

I'm editing my film of the Medford Public Library with Medford legend Bill Hanley,
and have a wonderful public access show on the rights of senior 
ready to air it?  Breanna????

Look at the snapshots of the Cactus VOD that I've attached. (Video on Demand.)
No public access that I can see, a moribund access station from a mayor,
the issuing authority, who wants it all to herself.  Not very ladylike, nor is it
very mayor-like.   Is it?

I spent my life savings fighting them in court, and like ex police officer JJ McLean
said to me "You won.  You won.  And the city is the better off for it."

Something JJ was paid $119,000.00 a year to do and I did his work for him.

Yeah, but with the most Brady-infested police department in Middlesex County  I guess
my investigation into that and the L'Italien Report exposing the corruption made me
few friends (even ol' JJ McLean got a bit of "oath-violation" on his shirt, didn't he?)

So Breanna refuses to allow a public access station to run while asking for CORI 
checks on your grandma if she wants to bake cookies at the station, yet an attorney
said to the city council that stabbing weapons could come into the school all day
long through an unlocked door (so much for their CORI check excuse, ha ha)...
and of course, there was a stabbing and conflicts under that charlatan superintendent,
Marice Edouard Vincent

Don't expect Breanna to do the job, she's only the Chair of the School Committee
with a convicted felon in Paul Ruseau on it causing mayhem, Jenny what's her
face and that other joke from Our Revolution (Oh, Jenny Graham ...I'll give her
this, for a woman with a face like a witch her husband sure is cute in those
campaign photos) and that other broomstick-on-halloween vultuer,  Melanie McLaughlin ,

Mayor Lungo-Koehn gets pushed by the winds that those tiresome individuals
blow...the Mayor shows no strength, and she can't bounce a convicted felon
off of the school committee before he demands the name of a school be changed
when the kids can't afford pencils and books?

Just saying, Breanna, on that Unity, Community and Integrity you have already
got 3 strikes.   Does the law firm of Neil Osborne, David Rodrigues and 
Abdourahmane Dit-Saacka-Ba ring a bell?  Mr. Ba still has his employment
in Medford on his Linked In after he was allegedly frog-marched out of the

By the way, this e mail is me being very respectful.  Medford is a mess and
I'm getting that point across.



(LEFT the station crying, allegedly, for not knowing how to put
a tripod together,) Steve Marra, Dawn Natalia, her successor -
the juvenile delinquent; until I shut the mess down, and then
Ben Brown, Pat "I need Deanna the Racist" Gordon and now
the duck boat driver.  Good going, Breanna, you make
Mayor Gary Christenson look good with his stalkers (plural)
and alleged sexual harasser in Malden! at the access 
station.  A woman with a four year restraining order and
a bloody meatcleaver that pissed off the judge, teaching
kids?  What the hell is Mayor Christenson thinking.

And Breanna's thinking "Heck, a duck boat driver might
not be so bad."

Wrong, Breanna, so very wrong.  He's an incompetent
idiot that committed elder abuse, but that doesn't bother
you, you praised criminal ex clerk Ed Finn for the same
thing in the pages of the now defunct Medford Transcript.

And don't worry, you know I kept your quote safe and sound
in my filing cabinet on that moment of "lapse of Breanna

I supported Lungo-Koehn with a donation the last election, and to say she's been a major
disappointment is an understatement.  She failed to address her predecessors' failings,
Stephanie Muccini-Burke who installed racist Deanna Deveney in the front office (just
bounced out of Everett City Hall for...racism caught on Zoom) and Michael J. McGlynn
with his vulgar practices over the better part of 3 decades.

In fact, the only thing Lungo-Koehn can run on, honestly, is that she's not
alleged criminal court perjurer Councilor Richard F. Caraviello, she's not City Councilor
George "So what? A rape or two happened on my watch" Scarpelli (with his buddy
Joe Curtatone, no less,) the entire city council which violated their oath of office, 

all seven of them, led by city embarrassment and town buffoon Caraviello, 

on the very first day of the 2022 installment, she's not convicted felon Paul 
"I had to change my name from Comeau Jr.) Ruseau, but we caught you anyway, 
Paul, my mailbox in Woburn chock full of juicy gossip on you, a school committeeperson, stealing
from...get this...a school! (In New Hampshire.)   

No, Breanna is not those unprincipled and immoral individuals, Nicole Morell, and she's
not using the unclean hands of Michael J. McGlynn, or his give-the-finger-to-the-firefighters
(you've all seen the photo that I unleashed) Stephanie Muccini-Burke.

Without my publishing the photo of Stephanie being a bad girl, and the firefighters endorsing
Breanna, it is very possible Lungo-Koehn wouldn't be holding the office today....

Stephanie (taken in by Gary Christenson, Mayor of Malden taking Medford's garbage) 
now working in Malden City Hall with that disgrace of an ex city solicitor Mark "I sat on the TV 3 Board, 
so I'd better deep-six the alleged embezzlement investigation)Rumley ....

Hey Gary Christenson, please inform Mr. Rumley that the A.G.'s office told me that "law enforcement" 
is still involved in the investigation of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., with their board
member Mark E. Rumley stalling Medford's side of the investigation....what a conflict
of interest.   And guess what, Mark: I'm still filing public records requests and holding the
A.G.'s feet to the fire on your ...ahem.... failure to prosecute your pals on your board of
directors....y'know, the racists who used the "n" word and hit people over the head with
their religion (Steve Marra, disgraced former manager) and homosexual epithets, those
people you couldn't (or wouldn't) rein in until I and two other courageous individuals
forced Mayor McGlynn's hand....October 2013, want to see the documents?

Nope, Breanna is not those thugs, and the choice of the word "thugs" is me being

Also, another note to Mayor Christenson - don't think those stalkers and fools
at MATV / are getting away with their malfeasance.  They are 
front and center on my legal board, stalking lesbians with a bloody meatcleaver
that pissed off a judge (I obtained a 4 year HPO restraining order on that violent
ex marine,) a stalker on the tarmac at Logan Airport, and an alleged
sexual harasser....gee, Gary, you hit the trifecta.   You must be so proud.  Not.

And what a stupid name for an access station: UMA?  Really....stupid is as
stupid does...

Why do people tempt fate by messing with the citizenry, and then messing with this
whistleblower?   Answer is simple, logic does not guide them, dishonesty does.
And Malden Access Television, no matter what those jokers call themselves this
week, are dishonest frauds running the insane asylum. 

My good friends Paul Donato, Pat Jehlen and Christine Barber (well, not friends, 
actually....maybe Paul, somewhat) are all auditioning for Sgt. Schultz in the
Medford High School version of Hogan's Heroes.  They see nothing.

Voters cannot count on the reps and the senator to protect them from the
lunacy at Medford City Hall.   Note to Breanna: I was right about David Rodrigues
....your horrific Chief-of-Staff hope the new chief, Nina Nazarian, has distanced
herself from that moron,) I was right about Neil Osborne, and I'm right about
Superintendent-of-Schools Marice Edouard-Vincent, but you drag your feet
and those unscrupulous individuals drag you down.  You should listen to me.

The backroom deals in Medford do not compel me to contribute this year to
the Mayor of Medford, and by the reaction Breanna's "The Work Ahead" fundraising letter got from
people I know - yikes --- I ain't the only one. 

There is no press in Medford except for my blog and Real Medford Mass
Politics on Facebook (now addressing Malden and Everett as well,) and
so what does Breanna do with my hard work and honest efforts vis-a-vis
access television?   Look at the exhibits below:

a)she hires a duck boat drive to ruin access tv further after
Pat Gordon left for Everett, and now Florida

b)Breanna prances around like "Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready for my Close
Shot" ....only it's a duck boat driver taking her photos these days

c)Breanna thanked me for cleaning up the filth the TV3 board wrote
about her online, how quick they forget

d)Breanna wants a CORI check on your grandpa but an attorney claimed
to the city council, in testimony on camera, that a door was open and stabbing
weapons (remember the gun magazine, Breanna? You got elected on it) were
able to come into the building....and there was a stabbing

So much for the CORI check at access TV

Let me repeat: Perhaps Roy Wood Jr. (not the son of Electric Light Orchestra founder,) at
the White House Correspondence Dinner said it succinctly:

       "You make promises to voters, and then you don’t do it. 
You know how to make things not happen" 

In the proper context Wood Jr. was making fun of Ron DeSantis on what he's supposed to do instead
of all the foolish stuff that DeSantis is doing.

Breanna seems to really be taking that joke to heart, to paraphrase Jodie Foster in the film INSIDE MAN.

I'm editing my film of the Medford Public Library with Medford legend Bill Hanley,
and have a wonderful public access show on the rights of senior 
ready to air it?  Breanna????
 Part 2, coming up, Zac and adam....

do stay tuned....


Joe Viglione  
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888