Sunday, October 15, 2023

Biden Campaign Banks $71 Million in the Third Quarter Leaving Donald Trump behind in the dust....

On Election 2024: 1)Our Joe Biden post garnered over 1,000 hits, that is second only to the Everett Police Officer's wife saving her child in New Hampshire. Have not seen any other posts go that high (we haven't hit 1,000 members yet, so it is lots of "shares" that get external hits. 2)Some MAGA types were very disruptive in here and had to be suspended, yet the Biden post trounced the Trump post. 3)The Pollsters started taking money over accuracy. They found if they make a race look tight, they get more eye balls, so they take matters that mean something to our lives, like honest elected officials vs George Santos, Lauren Boebert, Donald Trump, and make your lives and mine seem to be a "horse race." Donors are not going to flock behind a losing candidate (Ron DeSantis is seeing that in real time,) and when you place women's rights vs dysfunction in a Gerrymandered Congress, well, what you see is what you get. The Republicans realize that the majority of the United States of America is progressive, and they have shredded our Constitution and spread lies and engage in fear-mongering. It is going to be a Blue Wave landslide in 2024. People want a functioning government, not a Republican who refuses to let our military get stronger. Tommy Tuberville is anti-American, beyond being un-American, and those who come in here and mock, and act like fools, well, that's the sad thing happening in our country, uneducated fools who think that they know it all.