Tuesday, January 10, 2017

TV3 Reprobate Sends Hate Mail, a Federal Offense

897,877 @ 8:36 pm
897,766  @ 2:15 pm

Medford Police have a THICK FILE on an individual, a male, that may have violated a restraining order.

The TV3 Reprobate who hates Dr. Rabies says "Dr. Rabies" (elder basher Arthur Alan Deluca who will blame the thorn for the red on the rose, when actually it* allegedly are* the fists of Arthur that inflict the magenta...)   Deluca needs a long, long prison term.  Not only for lying to the police, but for all of the senior citizens he has brutally harmed.

*Why would someone write "it are the fists?"

That's easy, Rabies is a schizophrenic

So the person who calls himself "Tom" has the audacity to throw down a deceased friend of Medford and - lacking any credibility - which is the TV3 way - "he" goes on to complain.

This will be EXHIBIT A in the hearing coming up on TV3.

A Federal Offense.  Harassing mail to my home. And the individual doesn't realize that the police have compared his mail to his e mails. We know who "Tom" is.  The next step is up to the local constabulary.

received 2:15 pm January 10, 2017.