Sunday, September 2, 2018

Ant Man and The Wasp

'Ant-Man And The Wasp'

 Your Extra-Friendly Film Critic Only Got Around to seeing it Today, 9-2-18

Better than I Expected Sequel Has Many Early Marvel Elements

review by Joe Viglione

     As Michael Douglas says in the film Disclosure "pleasantly surprised," and that's what this critic was ...and is...with this new entry.  Growing up as a teen I couldn't wait for the Marvel Annuals, and that's what these films are, albeit a bit more expensive.   Is it a flawless film? No, the scenes with Paul Rudd as the Ant Man calling daughter "peanut" instead of Cassandra or Cassie, quite annoying, perhaps the market research told them to put it in there to get over the 500 million mark.  But is the movie satisfying?  Most certainly
