Monday, September 27, 2021

If Author Moves to Connecticut, does Medford Information Central Shut Down?

 Sometimes a job offer comes along that you can't refuse. 

I have not made my decision just yet.

What would Medford do without the only publication that makes sense?

Unlike useless slob Edward P. Finn, some of us actually work for a living.

How did Caraviello get on those crutches? Did he inadvertently pick up an ex president of a 501c3 who stomped on his foot?   Only Jenny Craig knows for sure and she ain't speaking because Caraviello never shows up for classes.

Some woman wrote that "Caraviello has a drop dead gorgeous wife."   None of us felt that way about Freddy Dello Russo, Jr. before...and after all the pounds that Freddy's packed on...not likely to happen in the future.