Thursday, August 27, 2020

anonymous whistleblowing

time to blow the whistle big time

How Can Whistleblowers Remain Anonymous?

Those of us at the SEC who played a part in shaping the whistleblower program knew that providing whistleblowers with an avenue to report misconduct anonymously would provide a greater sense of safety and security. To do so, a whistleblower must be represented by an attorney and must provide the attorney a copy of the whistleblower submission signed under the penalty of perjury. The attorney will verify the identity of the whistleblower before any information is submitted to the SEC; serve as an intermediary between the SEC and whistleblower during any investigation and related enforcement action; and, in the case of a successful enforcement action, advocate for the highest potential monetary award. Prior to receiving any monetary award, for eligibility, tax and other reasons, whistleblowers must disclose their identity to the SEC.