Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Verdict is In: Mayor Lungo Koehn must FIRE DAVID RODRIGUES

1,681,304 @ 1:18 pm

The most important first decision for a new mayor is the hiring of a Chief of Staff.

This news magazine broke the story of Teresa Walsh allegedly getting frog-marched out of the administration of Muccini-Burke.  Rumor has it, Walsh was going to blow the whistle on alleged McGlynn/Muccini-Burke malfeasance.

They shut her up pretty quickly

Then Lungo-Koehn does the unthinkable.
Merging the leftovers from the failed Muccini-Burke administration with the allegedly damaged goods from Everett mayor DeMaria's organization - that being the lacking-in-real-qualifications David Rodrigues, Breanna couldn't have screwed it up more had she tried.

Rodrigues popularity is that of, say, Jack D. Buckley over at the police department, hovering around zero along with Donald Trump's.

Rodrigues is not well liked within the city, people don't know him, and it's the biggest crack in the Breanna Lungo-Koehn armor with election time fourteen months away and counting.

John Falco
Stephanie Muccini-Burke
A Felonious Homosexual on the School Committee
Zac Bears and others are licking their chops to take on Breanna Lungo-Koehn

As Satan Himself, Mike McGlynn, laughing, spreads his quote Ozzie "Don't Call Me Neil" Osborne