Friday, August 14, 2020

Breanna Writes Poetry...and Uses a CUSS WORD! How unladylike! Breanna's masterpiece (not) follows my Parody Poem...HA!

If her abilities as Mayor of Medford

are as bad as her poetry

we're screwed!

People are going to think Breanna Lungo Koehn's actual words are the parody

Sadly, they are not!

When life throws you 🍋 s make lemonade they say.
Wake up saying “today is a new day”!
Or “One day at a time” they say.


Bleanna Bingo-Parody (alias Joe Viglirumley) Writes a Response poem

You think my poetry's bad?

Some comedy to make you laugh

look who I hired for my 

Chief of Staff


 My critics all say

I get too PollyAnnie

But I can't even pronounce

Lisa Colaianni


Wake up saying

Today's a new day

Vice Chair of my committee

a Felonious Gay!

I'm getting very tired

of what they may say!

I'm so like Stephanie


my hair ain't gray


When life throws lemons

drink the lemonade

Iambic Pantemeter

don't make my grade 


(Tempo change)

 Zac Bears?  

Who Cares!

My administration loves

quacks and queers


I'm the new mayor

time to feed the ducks

I use the "s" word

because my poetry sucks


My foreman at the park

he's always being molested

by that blogger, not Covid

we're all being tested!

* * * * *

I'd like to be on Mars

riding the Rover

our community really needs

my short reign to be over


C'mon and blame me

vote and give me the boot

Like Ruseau / I'll change my name

perhaps to

Van der Fruit


All my critics on point

But we'll still get there, I know it

My Pollyanna Delusions

like Trump I'm gonna blow it!


From Madame Knight

to single payer

yes indeedy Medford

I'm your One Term Mayor

You think my poetry's bad?

Some comedy to make you laugh

look who I hired for my 

Chief of Staff


I take an axe to this city

A modern day Lizzie Borden

I hate public access

why we hired Patrick Gordon

Mobilize Morons

Has Medford had enough?

File a Class Action Suit

c'mon and call my bluff

Zac and George and Ric 

fall from the roof / it makes a crater

Better than them and Marks

stuffed in that creaky elevator

Integrity, Transparency

My promises have stalled

I write these very bad poems


John Falco is bald


When life throws you 🍋 s make lemonade they say.
Wake up saying “today is a new day”!
Or “One day at a time” they say.

Is it ok to say I’m tired of what they say. Is it ok to say I’ve had enough, Medford has had enough?

I wish I could ask Covid to leave, leave us alone, we have had enough. It’s ok to blame me, I can handle being that outlet, but our community needs this to be over.

We need time to heal, to come together even if we believe in different things. We need to all learn and grow together on our own terms.

We will get there I know it, but why are we being tested like this?

But in the end, I’ll make lemonade, a shit ton of it, but I’ll make it. We all will. It will only make us stronger.......they say. 🍋