Friday, August 7, 2020

Mayor's Duty to Hire Honest Police Chief

1,669,401 @2:39 pm 
1,669,278 @ 12:14 pm August 7, 2020

Breanna Lungo Koehn's solemn obligation is to serve and protect, and the requisite demand is that she hire a chief of police that the public can trust.

It is an essential, indespensible action she has failed to take.

October 1, 2019 the then city councilor told Chief Jack Buckley that her constituents feared the police.

That was before this very publication found the L'Italien Report detailing the police department in Medford to be less than honorable.

So to see Breanna Lungo-Koehn, whom the citizens had great trust and expectancy of change in, conducting herself secretly, with the leftovers from the Muccini-Burke administration - Erin Nestor, Mike Nestor, Chief Buckley - the person that Breanna accused of having a police force which struck fear in the people of the municipality, Pat Gordon, Jack Dempsey, Gabby Follet-Sumney...shall I go on?

It's not the Lungo-Koehn administration, it's the Muccini-Burke administration and the residents are bubbling with anger, the feeling of being cheated by a ringer.

What "ringer" means - from the web: "2a(1) : one that enters a competition under false representations. (2) : imposter, fake. b : one that strongly resembles another —

The theme we will be hammering is TRANSPARENCY and how this administration has ZERO transparency.

1)What do you REALLY know about David Rodrigues, the alleged "Chief-of-Staff?"

2)Why is Mike Nestor still doing his thing when, purportedly, Breanna's first order of business was to dump Nestor.  How MANY dirty pictures does Nestor have of HOW MANY administrations?  Allegedly

From the city hall doors that are missing in action (the last administration claimed they were "being repaired" - well, where are they?) the alleged secret meeting with a union or unions at Dunkin Donuts, Main St., prior to the inauguration...

What we DO NOT KNOW about the Lungo-Koehn administration is evidence that "transparency," "unity," "community," "integrity" are just campaign slogans not based in reality, not quantified by positive actions that benefit the city of Medford and surrounding communities impacted by Medford.

If the rumors of police chief Jack Buckley coddling the Mobilize Medford individuals up at Tufts during police training are true; if the rumor that Buckley skipped out on a Beacon Hill meet with other police chiefs in favor of this invisible mob that decides to bully seniors, hurl hate, create a ruckus in public - and on video - then Breanna Lungo-Koehn's failure to remove Buckley has become the elephant in the room.  And the elephant will find a way... a way to break out of its confines and let the water flow - hard - from the broken dam.

"One term mayor" appears to be the buzz around town, and all the data aims in that direction.

With the WORST Brady-infested police force in all of Marian Ryan's Middlesex County and proof of wrongful conduct by officers of the law and elected officials, residents need to rise up and remove the objectionable, selfish individuals

The Facts

Disgraced ex city clerk Ed Finn assaulted a reporter.
A witness to the crime INTIMIDATED the victim, which is a crime.   The police failed to get a statement from the only true witness, who was 3 feet away from the violent physical assault when it happened.

Detective Paul Mackowski THREATENED the victim when Councilor Richard F. Caraviello and Clerk Finn lied in police reports.  And the police knew it.

So bogus police reports were used to resurrect a case that the victim had dropped, all to go after a reporter with a sleazy, dirty cop and Paul Covino - another outlaw officer - signing off on it with yet another Medford police officer.

That fraud Ed Finn NEVER showed up, under subpoena, to criminal court.  Which ex city solicitor do you think may have been involved in that, allegedly?

Medford is a criminal enterprise and has been for the better part of the last one hundred years, since the McGlynn family infected city government.

Breanna Lungo-Koehn, no pal of Mike McGlynn's, should have fumigated the place.  Instead, it appears she is conspiring with the Muccini-Burke clan, and that's not good.

The woman oh-so-offended by a sex offender having keys to the entire Medford Housing Authority has a convicted felon on her school committee as vice chair. Breanna thinks nothing of that.  As she continues the fraudulent CORI check of access producers who may criticize her on the air, essentially spying on those who may run for office, she lets a thug jailbird stay on the school committee with no thought of censure and removal for not being honest with the parents, the kids and fellow committee members.

Are you comfortable with that, Medford?

To be continued.