Monday, August 10, 2020

No Transparency In Lungo-Koehn Administration with Public Access Television Held Hostage


Breanna Lungo-Koehn's first order of business should have been to AUDIT City Hall and the school system!

Where is the alleged "transparency" offered the citizens of Medford when Lungo-Koehn came in with her "unity" - "integrity" - "community" malarkey.

And that's all it was, pure Mark Rumley malarkey.

Rather than take a scrubbing brush to the deceitful, dishonest bad actions of the past two administrations, Lungo-Koehn has absorbed the bad actors that were a big part of the McGlynn / Muccini-Burke fiasco.   

What's different is that under McGlynn and his Surrogate-named-Stephanie, Muccini-Burke, you had very bad governance.

With Lungo-Koehn there is no governance whatsoever!  gov·ern·ance

  1. the action or manner of governing.
