Monday, August 24, 2020

True Story: Malden Madness

1,678,723 @ 9:55 am 
1,678,695 @ 9:01 am

So I'm coming up on Hugh O'Neill's Restaurant 

at  45 Pleasant St, Malden, MA 02148 - about 

to take a left onto Pleasant St. when some

obnoxious woman jumps into the crosswalk*

as my car is halfway in it.  
*If it wasn't at a crosswalk, shame on her again for jumping in front of a moving vehicle obeying the law.

I politely say "Ma'am, you shouldn't jump

in front of a moving car"

Incredibly she yells at me  "YOU HATE


Now I would have loved to politely reply 

"You  abuse  elder people" but who wants to 

have her  falsely claim road rage so I ignored 

her and

found a parking space in front of the old

Eastern Bank when it was in that large

glorious building.   

 I go into the bank to do my business.

Some dude comes into the bank yelling  for

all the bankers and those in line to hear:


I look him straight in the eye and say,

"You have a problem with homosexual men,

don't you?"

He ran, he didn't walk, he ran out of the bank.

Never falsely accuse a comedian whose timing

is impeccable.

Like when those vagrants ask for a buck as

you are driving down the street, or even worse,

try to wash your windshield, I ask them if 

they can loan me a million.    *+(You can see

from their tin cup all the money they got

for free!)
 They laugh and  skedaddle.    

Works like a charm every time!