Thursday, August 20, 2020

Un-American Mark Rumley Needs to Be Called Out for the Damage Rumley did to Medford

1,676,809 @ 8:29 am

Ex City Solicitor Rumley hates people.

Mark E. Rumley loathes freedom of the press and free speech.

The despicable ex city solicitor was a fiend and a disgrace.

All garbage Rumley used to guide Medford into the wrong direction needs to be eradicated from Medford politics and Medford life.  

Let's start with the phony rules and regulations of the fraudulent access television station that feels like Kim Jong Un is running it.

Mark Rumley was bad for Medord but the creepy egomaniac just had to rear his ugly, bald pate for graduation day, didn't he?

And what can the kids learn from a crooked, nasty, vicious lawyer?   Ask the convicted felon, Paul Ruseau (nee Comeau) vice chair - or chair of vice - for the school committee!