Wednesday, August 26, 2020

New Top 10 + PLUS :Little Johnny Crawford on The Rifleman Sings his HIT to Breanna

1,680,738 @ 8:27 pm
1,680,687 @ 7:29 pm 
way back when in the 1960's in Somerville....

My cousin Janice in Somerville was the PRESIDENT of the JOHNNY CRAWFORD FAN CLUB, and they lived around the corner from Bobby "Boris" Pickett of Monster Mash fame!

Thank God she's married to a lawyer now, named Johnny, of course!  After posting the info here!!!!!  (SMILE)

Where's Mr. Gepetto and Pinocchio when you need them?

Your Nose Is Gonna Grow

Oh my God the lyrics so sophomoric it seems like Breanna wrote them...before she was even born (1962) but somehow they work in the framework of the song.


I carry your books
I give you looks that say I love you
I send you flowers
Spend my hours thinking of you
But I saw you late last night
You were holding another boy tight
Go ahead, explain
But remember, if you lie
The boogie man'll get you
And your nose is gonna grow
So remember, if you lie
Everyone will know
Remember, if you lie
Your nose is gonna grow
And everyone will know
You're holding my hand
Making plans to spend together
Promising me that our
Love will be forever
If everything you say is true
Who's the boy I saw…