Thursday, September 5, 2013

I fight for your rights

Anyone notice how Arthur "Rooboo" Pilleri and Frank "Phil" Deluca have been slapped down on an online magazine for trying to throw personal attacks?

Good job moderating!    TV3 has never encountered an even playing field and even now uses false names and fraud and deceit to try to keep the public away from what monies they may or may not have taken from unsuspecting cable tv subscribers.

The fraud that is TV3 ...the still off the air...and that was the Mayor's plan all along. 

Call me crazy (TV3 does), but anyone notice how McGlynn has the police all tied up in knots, and there's even an alleged informant inside the police station that allegedly feeds thugs information they should not have ?

Kind of like the FBI with Whitey Bulger, though it is not nice to defame a murdering rat like Whitey Bulger by putting him in the same despicable dirty league as TV3 Medford.

TV3: worse than Whitey