Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is Rumley's Oath Of Office Illegitimate? Looks like a Different Name on the OATH!

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Look, I'm not a lawyer, but I've watched enough
Perry Mason.  If Ed Finn put the wrong name on a marriage license - MSRD Rumley marries Michael Marx (no relation to Karl Marx, or maybe there is) would that be a valid marriage license?

If the Solicitor's name on the Oath of Office is
MSRD RUMLEY- as it looks like it says here,
maybe to make the license VALID Mark would have to legally change his name to
Mr. Stupid Ridiculous Dummy Rumley -  MSRD Rumley - so that he is in compliance with the rules!

Just asking...I dunno….*I'm not a lawyer!

Who typed the damn thing?  A drunk ex city clerk?  Sure looks like it.