Robert E. Skerry
72 Terrace Road
Medford MA 02155
Hi Bob,
If you Google Medford Cable Advisory Board you get 2018 stuff...three years ago
One no longer seems to's not on the Boards and Commissions page of City Hall.
Good luck with campaigning...without access television.
As of July 10, 2020 the Cable Advisory board members were
Gabby Follett Sumney
Jack McGoldrick
and David Weigner-Lodahl
Why do I know this and nobody else, since cable ratepayers fork over a franchise fee? and deserve to know what the heck is going on with the $$$$$$$.
A response to my public records request dated July 10, 2020, fourteen months ago.
I can't find an advisory board anymore. Can you?
Having been on the Medford public access scene since 1995, shutting down the station in 2013
by pushing McGlynn's buttons, and my first show on access TV in 1979 on Day Street in
Somerville, I've forgotten more than Jay Campbell, Yvette Wilks, Gabby Follett Sumney and
Jack McGoldrick will ever learn about access...COMBINED. All due respect to them.
In 1995 I also worked as Director of Marketing for a company that developed PBS \
specials (Marilyn Horne mezzo-soprano; actor/singer Paul Sorvino, co-scripting the Sorvino special)
being flown around to Pennsylvania, West Palm Beach, Seattle WA, NYC, etc.
When I applied for the job of station manager in 2005 I was snubbed and attacked.
They hired Jason Salzarulo, nice kid, totally incompetent. He was replaced pretty
quickly but rumor had it he had fled the room during a class or something weeping
because he didn't know how to put a tripod together. (Patrick Gordon probably doesn't
know how to put a tripod together as well; what Patrick did was not have classes!
Simple solution, be upfront about screwing the public and denying the public the
information on the hits on Video on Demand under Gordon: VERY FEW!)
Didn't know how to put a tripod together? I saw him at BNN Boston where he
lasted about 15 minutes I said, nice kid, out of his depth.
You know the buffoonery that happened at TV3 with Steve C, Steve Marra,
and then a succession of five more bad hires culminating in Ben Brown
jumping ship and now Patrick Gordon. All horrible hires when had I been
hired in 2005 we'd have 16 years of historic programming and all sorts of
fun Medford evaporated with the station suing multiple
producers (when not harassing them at the station.) You know the
entire ugly story.
And Breanna Lungo-Koehn has made it just as bad; after all my time
and effort cleaning up Breanna's name when the twice-arrested Friday
night host was besmirching Breanna on the web. How quick they forget.
After Salzarulo got the boot rather quickly they then hired the spawn of Satan,
Dawn Natalia, with full use of the corporate credit
card allegedly for fuel (driving from Foster Rhode Island) snacks and bringing herdoggy to the station to allegedly make the floor slippery. She made movies and
it appears with her enormous paycheck she took those movies for her own multiple
She used access TV monies to sue me and she lost. Your cousin was the
attorney. When I applied for a restraining order on the little monster that
succeeded Dawn Natalia your cousin freaked out in court "He knows Rule 9A
better than most attorneys." I think that was a compliment from David, don't you?
Natalia went to Westborough TV where they booted her derriere as quickly as
BNN got rid of Salzarulo. Working at TV3 was the kiss of death for a resume.
Like gangster fictional law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke in the film THE FIRM
I mean, Bob, who would you rather have represent you in a court of law?
Attorney Breanna Lungo-Koehn or Pro Se Jose" (yours truly; if Pro se couldrepresent another person). That's a rhetorical question, of course.
So what do we do, Bob? We have a mayor out to lunch on access issues,
and incapable of straightening things out.
I'd have you on my show, Bob, but your friend McGlynn's pet poodle,
Atty Dark Numbley, Medford's version of Darth Vader, has forbidden it.
They should rip his law license away from him
for the way he uses it....that is... in a manner in which it is not intended to be used.
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