Sunday, July 30, 2023

Joe Biden's Rocking Great Economy: A Report from published author Joe Viglione (quoted in NY Times, Boston Globe, and more books than I can remember!)


  • Morgan Stanley Credits Bidenomics for our Good Fortune
  • Joe Biden's Rocking Great Economy: A Report from published author Joe Viglione (quoted in NY Times, Boston Globe, and more books than I can remember!)
Out shopping in the real world.
Our MAGA "friends" are jealous and angry; their attacks on Joe Biden have lost in spectacular fashion, lost miserably as they fail to support a duly elected president in favor of their lord and master, the twice-arrested, twice-impeached rapist, Donal J. Felon. * A respected judge has noted, in court, that Trump is a rapist to stop him from claiming that he is "vindicated" by the jury verdict against him in the E. Jean Carroll first case.
The parking lot at Assembly Square was jam packed. Shoppers had carts full of goods, and when I walked into TJ Max (and dropped thirty five bucks for clothing worth $75.00) the line was long and deep. This is Bidenomics. I go into Christmas Tree Stores, where I'd never been in my life and get two expensive pillows at a deep discount. Then it was off to Wegman's in Medford, only about 2 miles away....parking lot; JAMMED, tons of people in the store. The economy is rocking, prices are falling, 99 cents for a jug of water, 2.99 for Cranberry juice, $1.79 for four sticks of butter. 
 Along with the great economic news - Morgan Stanley praising Biden (see below,) while the nutty "Heritage Foundation" is still throwing rocks, attempting to sabotage our good fortune!  Though they hate Trump, they cling to the soon-to-be felon's apron strings when his billion dollar wall was a disaster, his lies about Mexico paying for it as fraudulent as his Trump industries where he cheats and screws contractors. 
Yet the dumb MAGA-ites point the finger, call people names that their own convicted felon John Dennis Hastert is guilty of. Incredibly boorish, and I'm sure the facts I'm posting on an alleged "free speech" site is truly pissing them off because their lies are becoming irrelevant and the Republican party is as divisive with each other in Congress (Marjorie Taylor Pedophile thrown off of a committee) as they are divisive during a campaign for office. 
It's truly an incredible sight to see the GOP crumbling as bad as Bed, Bath and Beyond, a company that couldn't make a buck in a rocking economy. So too Crazy Eddie, convicted felon who is gone and forgotten. The flower of GOP malfeasance: "I took advantage of them."[6] Hastert also acknowledged that he had misled the FBI.[6] Judge Durkin referred to Hastert as a "serial child molester" and imposed a sentence of 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, including sex-offender treatment, and a $250,000 fine.[7][3] Hastert is "one of the highest-ranking American politicians ever sentenced to prison."[3]
Republicans yell and scream their self-crafted fiction from the rooftops, but their echo chamber is diminishing with a few crazed individuals afraid of writers who have the courage to shout them down with facts. The 2024 election is about the Supreme Court anyway, the Blue Wave is going to be more powerful than in 2020, and Biden is giving people jobs when Trump took them away and fed our monies to the rich, the rich who cannot help him now. Biden's fund raising is doing great via grass roots, jobs are up, the GDP is up, and Trump's waste of our tax dollar wall that did nothing is coming down. Indeed, without cheap labor from beyond the border that the Republicans slyly enable and utilize, many Republican businesses would be out of business. JV
  • President Joe Biden’s economic policies drove an unexpected economic surge that has forced Morgan Stanley to make a “sizable upward revision” in its GDP forecasts.
  • Biden’s 2021 infrastructure bill has created “a boom in large-scale infrastructure,” wrote MS analysts, while domestic business investment “is rebounding, led by manufacturing.”