Thursday, July 13, 2023

Over the Counter Birth Control Trump Did Stormy, anyone throwing TDS around has no creativity and relies on old, tired GOP talking points. No life. ha ha Terrible D u xx b Sociopaths

 Trump Did Stormy, anyone throwing TDS around has no creativity and relies on old, tired GOP talking points. No life. ha ha Terrible D u xx b Sociopaths

Yeah, MAGA and once the child is born GOP kicks them off of welfare and wants to kill them in wars....disgraceful, and you bought into it redneck, I mean Leatherneck. Are you going to put 500 kids up in your home that were going to be aborted? Didn't think so. All talk and zero action. Typical Republican


you embarrass yourself with each post, Not A Democratic Voter... what I said, MAGA, was that the oxy morons of the GOP put two talking points that have nothing to do with each other together, but you would have to graduate second grade to understand grown up people, y'know 


not a good comparison, Leatherneck wants to breed to send them into the army ...and contraceptives are too expensive for him to act responsibly, so he wants we Democrats to foot the bill for the kids, the GOP ain't going to, they gotta send money to Elon Musk and the pillow guy


with a name like Leatherneck another MAGA who is all talk and no action. His idea of improving life is to rant on Yahoo comments. ha ha Have another Bud Lite, Leatherneck


problem is, Gentyl222, these "Christians" do not follow the teachings of Jesus. They wear Jesus on their sleeve to control people and spread hate. the Devil adores the Christian "right" because it is so wrong. But if you are desperate to believe in something, even hate, the Baptist Church is a good place to start. Join them and revel in the devil. 


Clarence, the GOP has geared up the hate machine. If your skin color is Obama or Kamala, their racist agenda blinds them from seeing the great work these wonderful people do. Rather than look beyond any  color - which in and of itself shows a neanderthal mentality, they fester hate and focus on it. The only good thing the criminal Trump has shown us is that there are more haters and low I.Q. people than we ever imagined in America. Shocking. Being MAGA, wearing the red hat, is a Scarlet Letter and they don't even know it. SCARE-let Letter more like it. But at least a devil like Trump has shown us who they are, and that's a start.


I love it; when they lose an argument they slide back to unintelligent MAGA talking points TDS Trump Did Stormy or the don don. HA HA, the sooner Don is in prison he is out of the nations' collective head, he will have his free rent in Leavenworth with Not a Democratic voter on the bottom bunk hoping overweight donny doesn't come down on him like a storm...he despises Trump for not paying for the rallies and sticking it to the cities and towns, but NADV sure attends them ha ha ha 



Replying to Gentyl222

Open your eyes; circa 329 the Catholic Church walked away from Jesus's teachings to demand "faith in the church," not the faith of God. You ask who am I to judge? Very simple, as Justice Potter said about pornography, "I know it when I see it." Church is pure pornography, be it Baptist, a Jewish temple, from Catholics to Protestants the abuse of children, even the darn Boy Scouts and the your eyes. I am a man with God-given free will and won't fall to Trump's brainwashing, Jim Jones or popes who cannot walk on water.


Open your eyes; circa 329 the Catholic Church walked away from Jesus's teachings to demand "faith in the church," not the faith of God. You ask who am I to judge? Very simple, as Justice Potter said about pornography, "I know it when I see it." Church is pure pornography, be it Baptist, a Jewish temple, from Catholics to Protestants the abuse of children, even the darn Boy Scouts and the your eyes. I am a man with God-given free will and won't fall to Trump's brainwashing, Jim Jones or popes who cannot walk on water. They talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Oh, and this "Judge not," or "Christian Hate Speech" you talk of when these evangelicals are hardly religious. But you have the brainwashing and that's your free will. You let them take it away from you. Hypocrites all. Some city lawyer says he is a devout Christian, the snake, stealing from the city, and threatened to sue me because I exposed him for the fraud he is. He calls my lawyer to try to drive up my legal bills and my lawyer said to him "My client thinks you are a hypocrite." Think it? I know it. I wrote a poem and he threatened to sue my free speech (he worked for city government, the liar, so that should have protected my First Amendment right, however these hypocrites want the law to work for them, not for the public paying them bloated salaries that they do not deserve)  my lawyer just didn't want us involved in another frivolous case by some alleged religious "nutcase" that is of the devil. I did have my fun throwing him off the witness stand in another case I won saying one word to the judge "Objection." The judge threw the religious fraud off of the stand!  for, get this, not being a witness.  As I said Hypocrite with a capital H

Thu 13 Jul 2023 01:29:59 PM

problem is, Gentyl222, these "Christians" do not follow the teachings of Jesus. They wear Jesus on their sleeve to control people and spread hate. the Devil adores the Christian "right" because it is so wrong. But if you are desperate to believe in something, even hate, the Baptist Church is a good place to start. Join them and revel in the devil.


Replying to Sunny

we had a racist who "hired" (put on a board of directors) a friend of mine. She said "I must be genius or something and he can see it."

It was a white non-profit in desperate need of an African American. They asked her to fetch coffee....we took them down for..."racism." 


It was a hard fight and like the detective told me "You won. You won, and the city is better off for it." (Yeah, but it was his job, not mine, he was just afraid of the mayor who was using the bigots for his own purposes.) 

But the loser racist was running around yelling that he wasn't a racist, and when you say that, Sunny, guess what? You are that and MAGA too

Mr Ha Ha and Mr. "I'll Be Damned if We Let You Take TV3 from us" are the biggest jokes in Medford, and there they are, in hell forever, with no more TV3....and I did that, proudly.

Ugly old buzzards 

oh please, Cool Breeze, first graders can do a better job than Boebert and the Republicans with George Santos; it is a disaster and you cannot equate the two


Commenter Clarence is right, and the MAGA all have thumbs down because they are not winning the battle, we are the Blue Wave is here. “Good jobs and lower costs: That’s Bidenomics in action,” Biden, who’s running for reelection, said in a statement. Democrats always clean up the GOP messes 


Replying to Gary

the Blue Wave is here. Gary wants to enjoy the hard work of the Democrats and Joe Biden stopping all the Trump nonsense. “Good jobs and lower costs: That’s Bidenomics in action,” Biden, who’s running for reelection, said in a statement. Democrats always clean up the GOP messes