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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Coming: Opposition to Reconsideration
By Information Central October 31, 2019
1,428,631@8:21 pm
42 hits in 21 minutes since 8 pm
medford Needs Accountability
All Time1428631
This Month42
Last Month19977...
Rumley/Burke Power Grab Taints Election 2019
By Information Central October 31, 2019
1,428,598@8:02 pm
1,428,549@ 6:52 pm
71,451 to one and a half million
SPR Bulletin 04-17
TO: Records Access Officers and Requestors of Public Records
SUBJECT: Timeframes for the Supervisor of Records to Complete Reconsiderations of Determinations and In Camera Reviews of Records
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2018
EXPIRATION DATE: Until superseded
PURPOSE: This bulletin sets forth timeframes for the Supervisor of Records to complete...
Nationals Win World Series - Fan Calls Out Bastard in the White House
By Information Central October 31, 2019
1,428,531@6:16 pm
1,428,425@2;37 pm
1,428,296 @ 11:05 am
all-time page views
We Have ReProgrammed Rumley's Brain - Sieg Heil, Baby!
By Information Central October 31, 2019

1,428, 233 @ 8:42 am
71,767 to one and a half million page views
The Evil of Mark E. Rumley is forever imprinted on his brain.
Rumley chose to belittle and battle the citizens. We are the truth-seekers exposing Rumley as the charlatan/hypocrite that he is.
Mr. Rumley is obsessed with keeping our thoughts off...
Big Pharmacy
By Information Central October 31, 2019
it is the Senate that they own!
They give Mitch McConnell this stuff for free and look what it did to him. The propaganda is chilling where they identify the viewer to own the disease or that you are required to have a physician: "go to YOUR doctor," and then you must claim your infirmity when the voice says it is "your (fill in disease)" as if you are identified by whatever they are hammering at your brain...
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Confidential Whistleblower Coming to Us with Info on Stephanie
By Information Central October 30, 2019
1,427,918 @ 11:51 pm
There are not enough hours in the day for all this stuff.
A whistleblower has come forward with two letters to my P.O. Box.
Vetting the information now.
People really hate Mrs. Burke
This individual appears to be part of a team, and they are terrified of being outed.
I can tell you this:
I have heard these "rumors" before - so it is nothing new,
and the information seems very credible.
It seems the person or persons...
By Information Central October 30, 2019

1,427,917 @ 11:18 pm
1,427,817 @ 7:52 pm
100 since 7:52 pm
Hi Chris, it was forwarded to me - has been forwarded about 49, 50 times or more and is making its way around Facebook. All I know is that the digital "paper" calls itself Somerville Times (without the "The" ) and is not affiliated with The Somerville Times from what I can tell. I did not write it, like over...
Should the FBI Investigate the Medford City Law Office? Over the TV3 Scam?
By Information Central October 30, 2019
1,427,813 @ 7:35 pm
1,427,781 @ 7:00 pm
35 minutes, 32 page views at 7:35 pm
Mark Rumley ABANDONED his Investigation of TV3
We are working on new submissions to government authorities to start with TV3 and go from there.
Stay tuned for public records requests and more!
7:00 pm 629
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FBI Raid on Somerville City Hall? - Is Medford NEXT? Parody or not?
By Information Central October 30, 2019

1,427,743@5:38 pm
1,427,702 @ 4:46 pm
1,427,644 @ 3:48 pm
58 views in 58 minutes!
might be a parody, we are checking!
still, do you doubt this could happen if it hasn't already?
FBI just raided Somerville City Hall. Is Medford Next?
Thanks to one of our readers
Rumley Running Scared
By Information Central October 30, 2019
Yes, Rumley has a right to file for Reconsideration BUT
1)The scoundrel should have filed that stuff first time around
2)During an election cycle he is pushing goal posts back to screw citizens
3)Zero Transparency
Vote for Brea...
The Terminator - Then and Now
By Information Central October 30, 2019

1,427,610 @ 3:08 pm
1,427,596 @ 2:51 pm all-time page views
1,427,521 @ 1:24 pm
75 views in 87 minutes!
14 views in 17 minutes @ 3:08 pm
Review soon - oh, and if you are hoping for me to fall again, I have heavy duty shoes on, so there!
When I get this other work done we'll describe last night's movie.
Yes, Dark Fate (2019) is the third best in the series...
We Work Hard for YOU, Medford 6 Days left
By Information Central October 30, 2019
1,427,521 @ 1:24 pm
1,427,503@1:03 pm
18 views in 21 minutes!
The Election Day is Next Week
This has been a LACKLUSTER election season
Blame freak of nature Mark E. Rumley for pissing on your public access TV, just like the sleazy board of directors that he sat on.
Deluca Murder Case
Call "the rape squad"
I. The...
Letter: They Will Have to Murder Me Now! Opening the Floodgates, Take No Prisoners!
By Information Central October 30, 2019

1,427,503@1:03 pm
1,427,490 @ 12:45 pm
1,427,468 @ 12:06 pm
1,427,451 @ 11:44 am
72,510 to one and a half million@ 12:45 pm
72,549 to one and a half million!@11:44
On October 24, 2019 the Secretary of State's office determined that the city of Medford has to hand over the 26-30...