Thursday, October 24, 2019


Kimberly Scanlon,
Assistant City Solicitor
Medford City Hall
85 George P. Hassett Dr
Medford MA 02155

Dear Attorney Scanlon:

My appeal - that these three matters are of great public interest - and the Determination SPR19/2081 - demands that you provide the public information to me.   The election is less than two weeks away.    The public needs this information NOW.

I understand Mark E. Rumley takes orders from Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Burke, but Mrs. Burke is wrong and this Determination is about public safety, the public and its right to know, and in my opinion, withholding the information amounts to alleged election tampering.
In my opinion you cannot have a blanket "personnel" issue.  Councilors Adam Knight and Fred Dello Russo, Jr. did a great disservice to the community at the city council on or about Oct 2, 2019, as did Police Chief Buckley, as did Solicitor Rumley, as did Council President Falco.

They were all carrying water for the mayor

News flash to Police Chief Buckley, we realize you are new at the job, but that's no excuse.  Your methodical performance fooled no one.
These are NOT "good men and women," as you repeated at the council directly from your biography on the police website, written ostensibly before the "police misconduct" (as the Medford Transcript called it) scandal broke.   Didn't Mrs. Burke say "it isn't a scandal" at the October 16, 2019 debate?   Sounds like Donald Trump's "no collusion," "no quid pro quo" lies and it is unacceptable.

Let's take direct quotes from Paul Donato (from the Medford Transcript) and Mark Rumley (from the Medford Mercury) and see if they are honest men or if they are "lying through their teeth" to quote Rick Caraviello, who lied through HIS TEETH to the police, in a police report:

Rep Paul Donato  
“This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.”
November 19, 2007 Medford Transcript.

City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury
on or about Nov. 16, 2008 (quoted from the 2nd Judge Jackson-Thompson hearing) saying:

“The one sentiment that I have heard that I take great exception to is that the city is trying to limit speech,” said Rumley. “The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.”

Well, do you believe Rumley and Donato,
who may still be "roommates" on Spring Street at the office
above the old theater and Anthony's liquors?

The determination is in my favor, which is the city's favor

You lost the determination - again.

It's an election cycle.

We know Stephanie Muccini-Burke is desperate and wants to hold information back, but it is the PUBLIC's information, not hers.

It will, most likely, do great damage to her reputation and could cost her the election.  It is REAL NEWS and it deserves to be disseminated  to the public paying for it.

This is America

This is about freedom of the press

This is about the public's right to know.

You aren't some president being investigated and about to be impeached because he withheld money from the Ukraine

This is about Stephanie Muccini-Burke thinking that she is above the law.

I want the documents today to alert the public to the truth
behind these scandals.

Rock Journalist, and now Political Journalist
Joe Viglione