Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Insufferable Dan Kennedy - October 16 Debate Reporting Continues

1,420,700 @ 10:05 am 

1,420,534 @ midnight 10-20-19

Story written, have to transfer it from notepad to news site.  Stay tuned.

Here it is:

That Voice!

Oh, my God!

It's like an NPR audition tape played at the wrong speed.

What is the definition of cacophony? 

Motormouth council candidate Adam Knight swapping spit with Dan Kennedy

Tried listening to Dan-speak but fell asleep by the third word.

I sent a complaint to sleep drug Sominex® Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc. Attn: Consumer Affairs 4615 Murray Place Lynchburg, VA 24502

and they decided to sue Dan AND hire him at the same time!

Heck, hearing Mrs. Burke's husband hurl cuss words at me prior to a debate had far more entertainment value.

Who won the debate?

On substance that one is easy.  

Breanna Lungo-Koehn brought up issues ! 


Stephanie Muccini-Burke's well-rehearsed talking points  

Then again, when you get the questions in advance it is easy to slip in your talking points, isn't it?  (allegedly!) 

Allegedly meaning she may not have gotten the questions in advance?

No!  Allegedly slipping in her talking points!  

She lets her handlers do that...poorly!

This 90 minute exercise in local politics - as amusement - fell somewhere between Plan 9 from Outer Space and Bruce Springsteen's god-awful western film I just had to sit through at 7 pm prior to writing this masterpiece.

Western Stars. Western Stars is the nineteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen, released through Columbia Records on June 14, 2019. It was produced by Ron Aniello, who worked with Springsteen on his two previous albums: Wrecking Ball (2012) and High Hopes (2014).  

And it sucks beyond all belief!   I'm not kidding when I say that the Lungo-Koehn vs Muccini-Burke tape, as tough as it is,  was easier to watch than "the Boss" transforming himself into an old man with two different earrings.  Awful!
If 2015 was "the Great Debate"

2019 is now dubbed "The Not-So-Great Debate"

 No humor.  

No Dynasty witch-fest.  

2 ex friends in need of cattiness.  

Breanna should have whipped out a water pistol and sprayed Stephanie in the face, then do a 180 and squirt Paul Covino's bald head!

In summation: Medford residents got screwed again.