Thursday, October 31, 2019

Big Pharmacy

it is the Senate that they own!

They give Mitch McConnell this stuff for free and look what it did to him. The propaganda is chilling where they identify the viewer to own the disease or that you are required to have a physician: "go to YOUR doctor," and then you must claim your infirmity when the voice says it is "your (fill in disease)" as if you are identified by whatever they are hammering at your brain to fall victim to. They outlawed subliminal programming in the movie theaters (Popcorn and cola inserted into some of the 34 frames per second in film,) but it still goes on. Two of the biggest proponents of this kind of evil, underhanded propaganda? Donald J. Trump and Adolph Hitler. From the web: "University College London researchers have found the first physiological evidence that invisible subliminal images do attract the brain's attention on a subconscious level. ... Subjects' brains did respond to the object even when they were not conscious of having seen it.Mar 9, 2007"