Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Creepy Facebook TRUMP fans...

1,422,917 @ 1:35 pm 

People you were friendly with that became Trump supporters may have been KIDNAPPED and replaced with Vladmir's bots.

Methinks Stephanie is a Queen Bot...

When the creepy GOP crashes a sensitive meeting WITH ELECTRONICS ...crybabies who cheat voters, who cheat the citizens of these United States, you need "yes men" like Danny and Tommy yelling fire in a crowded theater. Even Mitch McConnell is filing against Trump today (see here: ) and when you provide proof Danny yells "he has none" even though the proof is provided. Sounds like traitor Trump - and those who back a traitor are themselves traitorous. Ha Ha GOP wants it both ways. They are SO USE to the Democrats caving in to b.s. (Dirty Mitch McConnel again in the Merric Garland case) but if you traitors want to promote the soon-to-be-impeached crooked Trump, fine. Be the Russian bots that you want to be. There are those of us willing to point out how ugly and anti-American your position is