Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Rumley Rodeo - More Malarkey from Mark BLOCKBUSTER

1,423,614 @ 6:02 pm

TO Breanna Lungo Koehn
      Documents attached

Dear Council Vice President Lungo-Koehn,

I spoke with the Public Records office this afternoon and sent multiple e mails that Medford failed to file a response on time.

Mr. Mark E. Rumley was required to get his information in to the Supervisor of Records, Lori Sullivan, ten business days from
October 10, 2019.   The law office did not.

Only AFTER the Determination did Mr. Rumley decide to again try to be the bully, Rumley vs. the People of Medford, not playing by the rules, thinking that he can be ABOVE the law.  Thinking that he is above the law.

We've seen his antics at the city council meetings, unprofessional, loud, using twenty-five dollar words one wonders if he even understands? His actions have been in conflict with his words.

The city lawyer certainly doesn't abide by his own lip service.

He cites Marian Ryan - but we've been to this Rumley rodeo before - keep in mind the Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. tens of thousands of dollars are still not accounted for - Rumley lying to the public that he would handle it, conveniently throwing it to the office of the Attorney General (public charities division) where it languishes today - except for my incessant public records requests.

Now Rumley wants to fool the public again trying the same stunt, only this time with the office of the District Attorney, already burned and bitten by the fraudulent case that Richard F. Caraviello filed with them.

Does Marian Ryan want to get her hands dirty again with Muccini-Burke malarkey, courtesy of this inappropriate city lawyer, Rumley?

This is your big opportunity, Breanna Lungo-Koehn.  You asked at the council for exactly the information that I have a ruling that we - the people - deserve to see.

These are public servants and they are cowards.  They did wrong and they want to run and hide.  But they will make up false charges on citizens asking questions.

Pure organized crime - city hall doing things that Tony Soprano, the fictional gangster, would run from.

The public has a right to know which officers directly lied on the details as the salary comes from them - THE PUBLIC.

Chief Buckley is supposed to protect and serve the public, not con and scam them.

And if you go to my victory today - SPR19/2081 at the Sec of State's office - you will see that it is EXACTLY the public's right to know that determined that city government must give the public records to the public.

Mr. Rumley is illogical in his approach.   You can hear an echo of "no quid pro quo," "no collusion," but just as our nation has a constitutional crisis, so does the city of Medford have a Constitution (Charter) crisis. 

Rumley Malarkey.  We've been to this Rumley Rodeo before and Mark's pipes are bursting again.

Mr. Rumley missed the deadline.  And NOW he is freaking out that the public might actually get to see what the public has paid for.

Joe Viglione